Wednesday, August 26, 2015

50 pounds?!?!

Today is August 26, 2015.  I weighed 167.9 this morning.  In 2 weeks and 2 days I will be 68 years old.  Many years ago, I asked the Lord what my weight should be.  He said 117.  I laughed!

But over the years, even as I weighed close to 300 pounds, He kept telling me 117.  So, I am setting that goal.  50 pounds to lose.  I will be logging my food at MyFitnessPal.  I will be going to the gym.  I will start eating better today so that by Monday, Aug. 31 when I go back to the gym, I will also go raw vegan on that day.  I wear a Fitbit Flex for steps and have an Aria scale for accuracy. 

I know this is impossible for me to do, but...  With God, all things are possible!!!!

Starting Over

Well, here I am again!  I have finally come to the point where I have to start over or else.  I have hit bottom! 

A couple years ago, I heard about the raw vegan way of life and jumped in with both feet.  I felt great!  But after a few days of detox (no fun), and losing 10 pounds very rapidly, I caved in to "fast food".  That has been my drug of choice. 

For the next year, I did fairly well going back and forth with the raw vegan/fast food fix and slowly lost a little more weight.
 I am so S.A.D.  (Standard American Diet)

So, why am I making this a public decision?  Well, here are some of the reasons:
1.  Allergies - I have been been sneezing and blowing my nose for 5 months and, yes, there have been outside allergens, but I believe that I am also allergic to flour and milk product.  I have been eating cheese every day and the allergies keep getting worse.
2.  IBS - I have had several imbarrassing situations that I don't even want to get into on here.
3.  Weight - I have been stuck at 171 for 4 months now.
4.  Medications - I have a doctor that will only give me prescriptions for 3 months at a time so I have to keep going back.  I don't like to pay out good money when there is nothing wrong with me to see a doctor.  I have had allergies and asthema my whole life and need meds to keep that in check.  I have had osteoporosis for 10 years and need something for that.  Nothing has changed with my health, so why can't I get prescriptions for a year at a time?????????????  So lately, as the scripts have expired, I haven't gotten them renewed.  Rebellious??? yes!  I did have bloodwork and a 24 hour urine collection this week for a doctor appointment next week with a specialist.  My vitamin D has not been processing correctly and my calcium doesn't stick around.  If the calcium would hang out for a while, I wouldn't need the osteoporosis meds.  I live in FL, so I should be able to get the vitamin D I need from just going outside. 
5.  I definately feel that the Raw/Organic/Vegan diet was meant for me.  My family and friends don't agree, but I can't listen to them any more.
6.  I think this diet will also help my arthritis (I will be 68 in 2 weeks, so I am not complaining about a few aches).
7.  I want to get closer to the Lord and feel that this 'diet' will clear my mind more than eating all the S.A.D. things and the way I have this mental fog after eating.
8.  I also want to have the energy and mental clarity to exercise regularly.  At almost 68 I need to gain strength and flexibility instead of losing more. 
9.  The diet coke is wrecking my kidneys and bladder.
10.  The osteo has also made my nails very weak and paper thin, so I have to have acrylics - which I know are not healthy.

There are more little things that I will list as I recall them, but for now, these are the main reasons I want to change my diet (addictions) from S.A.D. to Raw/Organic/Vegan.  So, off to day #1!!!